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定番展開されている"FLARE SILHOUETTE SLACKS"に比べ、こちらはやや細身のすっきりとしたラインで製作されたセミフレアスラックス。膝下から裾にかけて若干の広がりを持たせることで絶妙なシルエットを形成しています。
Compared to the standard "FLARE SILHOUETTE SLACKS", these semi-flared slacks are made with a slightly slimmer, cleaner line. They are slightly flared from below the knee to the hem, creating an exquisite silhouette.
The material is a chambray fabric made of polyester with a soft, drapey feel. It has a glossy feel that suggests elegance, but the fabric is wrinkle-resistant, and the crease stitching on the front keeps the center crease in place, making it easy to care for.
By preventing the hem from spreading out, this highly versatile item can be easily matched with not only leather shoes but also more casual sneaker styles.