my beautiful landlet 25SS 新作
帽子ブランドNine Tailorとの共作により生み出されたキャップ。フロントとバックにフォントの異なるブランドロゴを刺繍し、前後どちらから見てもアクセントになってくれるデザインとなっています。
This cap was created in collaboration with hat brand Nine Tailor. The brand logo is embroidered in different fonts on the front and back, making it a design that accentuates whether you look at it from the front or the back.
It has a shallow fit and a clean, smart form, giving it a classy finish. ◎ The adjuster allows you to freely adjust the size.
The material is made of cotton and linen using a special dye, and is characterized by its moderate thickness and firm texture. With repeated use, the fabric will be kneaded and change to a soft texture, so it is a product that you will want to enjoy for a long time.