MASU | エムエーエスユー 25SS
ヴィンテージライクな風合いが魅力のMASU BOYSラインのZIP-UPフーディ。目の詰まった裏毛素材を使用し、硫化染料による製品染めとバイオウォッシュ加工によって、長年着込んだような色褪せた質感を表現しました。
A ZIP-UP hoodie from the MASU BOYS line with a vintage-like texture. Made of dense fleece material, it has been dyed with sulfur dyes and bio-washed to create a faded texture that looks like it has been worn for many years.
It features a short silhouette that is characteristic of the brand, and the double zipper allows you to freely adjust the silhouette. The chest is decorated with MASU's signature angel icon embroidery, adding a subtle accent.
It is also recommended to wear it as an inner layer under a jacket or outerwear, and the short length makes it a good match with wide pants. This hoodie has a beautiful silhouette and a strong presence that will update your styling.
参考サイズ | 肩幅 | 身幅 | 着丈 | 袖丈 |
46 | 50cm | 60cm | 60cm | 67cm |
48 | 53cm | 62cm | 62cm | 69cm |
素材 : COTTON 100%