BED J.W. FORD "Cotton-Wool Double-Breasted Jacket" - BLACK

価格: ¥120,000 (税込 ¥132,000)
[ポイント還元 1,320ポイント~]
販売期間: 2024年12月21日12時00分~
BLACK0sold out ! 入荷連絡を希望

BED J.W. FORD | ベッドフォード 25SS

肩にパッドを入れ、構築的な美しさが表現された本作。素材にはSUPER 120'sの高級ウール原料を使用した梳毛ウールを経糸に、オーガニックコットンを緯糸に交織したツイル生地を採用しています。コットンのハリコシと、ウールのしなやかさを併せ持った質感で、ジャケットらしい凛とした面構えに仕立てられています。


A double-breasted jacket that encapsulates the essence of tailoring.
This piece has shoulder padding to express structural beauty. The material is a twill fabric made of SUPER 120's premium wool material, with worsted wool as the warp and organic cotton as the weft. The texture combines the firmness of cotton with the suppleness of wool, giving it a dignified look that is characteristic of a jacket.
The collar can also be worn upright, allowing you to style it according to your mood◎
A distinctive design for this season is the flat elastic on the inside of the sleeves. This specification allows you to roll up the sleeves for a casual look, incorporating new proposals that are characteristic of the brand, with the concept of "dressing up". A long ribbon has also been added to the left cuff, and the overall balance has been carefully calculated in the design.
The buttons are decorated with original sealing buttons and star-shaped buttons, and the selection of parts is flawless. The angle of the buttonhole on the peak lapel has also been changed, giving it a high level of design.
This is a highly original piece that combines classic elements backed by solid tailoring techniques with playful details that are unique to the collection brand.

0 43cm 54cm 77cm 67cm
  • 素材 : WOOL 65%, COTTON 35%
    裏地 : CUPRO 100%
  • ・ モデル173cm/54kgでサイズ0着用。

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