熟練の職人が一本一本に向き合い、手作業で仕上げる ANCELLMのデニム。長い時間をかけ、細部までこだわり抜いた一本がここに完成しました。
長年の技術と研究を結集し、深く作り込まれた一本。 その洗練されたムードは、一目でANCELLMと分かるほどの存在感を放ちます。加工もシルエットも妥協のない、究極のデニム。ぜひ、お試しください。
ANCELLM denim is hand-finished by skilled craftsmen, one by one. It took a long time to create a pair of jeans that was made with great attention to detail.
The beautiful straight silhouette has been updated with detailed pattern adjustments. It has a moderate amount of room and a silhouette that makes you look dignified and beautiful when standing. It maintains an exquisite balance even when cushioned with shoes.
Beautiful gradation created by hand rubbing fading, staining with a uniquely blended dye, and fine scratches create a deep expression. It is an overwhelming level of perfection that has been carefully crafted down to the smallest details that cannot be conveyed at a glance.
A pair of jeans that has been deeply crafted, bringing together many years of technology and research. Its sophisticated mood gives off a presence that makes it obvious that it is ANCELLM at a glance. The ultimate denim with no compromise in processing or silhouette. Please try it.